Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Ephesians and Philippians Book Assignment

pp 408-409
a. What kind of letter is Ephesians? upbeat letter
b. What is Paul's "Main Point"? Live a life filled with love, following the example of Christ.
c. Who is this letter from? Paul

page 412 "To Do List for the Mature"
a. How does Paul say we can gauge the maturity of our faith? list of spiritual characteristics.
b. What's on Paul's List for "keeping us on track"? List them out. stop telling lies, dont let anger control you, give generously to others, dont use foul or abusive language, be kind to each other, tender

page 415 "Suit Up for Spiritual Battle"
a. If Christians aren't fighting against Romans, who are they fighting against? forces that are more powerful.
b. What are the pieces of physical armor Paul is talking about and what is its spiritual equal? belt of truth, body armor (god righteousness) shoes of peace, shield of faith, helmet of salvation, sword ( the word of God)

"The Race of Our Lives" on page 421.

- This passage is talking about a metaphor that Paul makes about a race. We are not running our race for a temporary priza, but for everlasting life. So we should put all of our heart, soul, and mind into winning the race. God wants us to live a life that glorifies him, run a race that would make him proud. This helps us Christians t understand how important the kingdom of heaven is, and to run the race with all we have.

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