Friday, October 16, 2009

corinthians book assignment.

Read pp. 423-424 in your textbook. Answer the following questions and post to your blog:
a. Why are Bible experts having a tough time figuring out what Colosse's problem is? like listening to a one sided phone conversation.
b. Who was Epaphras? a minister
c. What's heresy? What kind of heresy is Paul talking about? Heresy is opinion or doctrine at variance with the orthodox or accepted doctrine, esp. of a church or religious system.
d. What's Paul's "Main Point"? Colossians 2:6-8
e. Where is Colosse? Turkey

Read "For Those Tempted to Demote Jesus" page 425. Answer the following questions and post them to your blog.
a. What does Col 1:15 say? Christ is the visible image of the invisible God. He existes before anything was created and is supreme over all creation.
b. Why can't Paul visit Colosse? because it was a week's walk
c. How does Paul begin this letter? agonized
d. What does Col. 1:16 say? basically, Jesus created everything and is supreme
e. Who was Jupiter? Mithra? Local spirits? How does this fit into Colossians? Jupiter is the top Roman God. Mithra is Worshipped as a good spirit and ruler of the world. Local spirits are spirits in trees rivers fields and mountains. Colossians talks about creation and the invisible world.
f. Each person in your group should read Colossians 3, and post a 1-paragraph summary about this book to your blog.

Colossians 3 is a very hard hitting chapter. It tells us how we should live heavenly lives, and how we will be punished for our sins. One of the last verses stood out to me, "God has no favorites." We see favoritism alot in our society and he lets us know, that we will be punished for our sins. This chapter definitly prompted me to examine my heart, and make sure that my life lines up with the word of God. I love you (:

Colossians 3 is about how we as Christians should obey God and follow his word. And how God doesnt not appreciate us sinning against him. And how he will not tolerate it. And that christ doesnt matter who it is. He will give them the same punishment.

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