Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Luke Book Assignment #!

p. 333-335

Who is Theophilus or who might he have been? He might have been a roman official in charge of Paul's trial in Rome, the person who Luke wrote these letters in Paul's defense.

How much of the NT was written b/c of him? nearly a third.

Who is the author of Luke? Luke

Without Luke’s letter to Theophilus, what would we be missing? (list it out) Also, what “word” would we be missing? A Christmastime favorite ( the story of baby Jesus), the parable of the good samaritan, the widow who donated her last mite, the parable of the prodigal son.

What does Luke 2:10-11 say? i bring you good news that will bring great joy to all people, the savior yes the messiah, the lord has been born, today in Bethlehem.

What’s the “Main Point” of Luke? Jesus has come to everyone, not just the Jews.

When was Luke written? cerca 60 A.D.


What is a “bar-mitzvah”? an idea that developed several centuries later.

Why did Jesus and his family go to Jerusalem? for the Spring time passover festival.

Where did Mary & Joseph find Jesus? What was he doing? found him in the temple, talking to the Jewish teachers.

How did Jesus answer? Didnt you know that i must be in my father's house?

Jesus already “seems to understand” what? that he has a calling to his heavenly father

p. 340-341

What does Luke 10:25 say? teacher what should i do to inherit eternal life?

How does Jesus answer? kosher response

Conventional Jewish wisdom says neighbors include who? just other Jews, not non jews or foreigners.

Sum up Jesus’ parable of the Good Samaritan. robbers mug a man traveling, a good samaritan picks up the man even though he is not a Jew and takes care of him.

Who ended up treating the man’s wounds? the good samaritan

Why do Jews despise Samaritans? because they do not revere Jerusalem as a worship center

Who was a neighbor to the man? The one who showed him mercy

What does Luke 10:36-37 say? Which of these three would you say was a neighbor to the man who was attacked by the bandits, jesus asked the scholars. The one who showed him mercy, yes now go and do the same, Jesus replies.


Describe the beating of Jesus. they tied him to a pole, beat him with leather with shards of metal and bone attached, beat him about 40 times, pain and loss of blood set stage of shock

Describe the “dead man walking” phase. he had to carry the crossbeam to the execution site, prologues torture, easier to breathe.

Describe the “nailed” phase. Iron nails pin wrists and feet to cross, miss main arteries and bones, offered painkiller, he refused.

Describe the “breath of life” phase. position of weight and body forced him to push himself up to breathe, breaking legs speeds death, forces arms to do all the work, he dies before they break his legs though.

Describe the “speared” phase. soldier confirms he is dead by stabbing the heart.

To me the brutality of the crucifixion became more evident to me. I didnt reallize how much blood he lost or how badly and with what he was beaten with. I also didnt know that while on the cross, he had to push himself up to even exhail. I hate reading this, it shows me the reality of the pain he went through, and makes me so grateful.

I didnt realize the length of the whole process that he went through.I realized just how brutally this all was. I didnt know that the nails missed the arteries, did they mean for it to happen that way? Lastly, I didnt know that the stuff they offered him to drink was a painkiller. Im assuming that was meant as a joke. It sucks watching how he died, but makes me grateful that he did it. For me.


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