Thursday, September 3, 2009

Mark Book Assigment #1

Questions about Mark

p. 317

a. Why is Mark considered a book for “readers with short attention spans”? shortest of four gospels

b. What does Mark open up with (rather than a family tree or the birth of Jesus)? jumps right into the Jordan River where John the baptist is baptizing people.

c. What does Mark 1:7-8 say? someone is coming soon who is greater than i am- so much greater that i am not even worthy to stoop down like a slave and untie the straps of his sandals, i baptize you with water but he will baptize you with the holy spirit

d. “Then Jesus took off to work”…doing what? rounding up disciples, healing 100's, feeding 1000's, freeing the tongues of the speechless, tieing the tongues of snooty scholars, calming storms, walking on water, dying and coming back to life.

p. 318-319

a. Why do people recognize Jesus as a rabbi? because rabbis pick students, students dont pick rabbis.

b. What happened at the Sea of Galilee? Jesus helps Peter catch the fish.

c. What did Jesus offer to make these fishermen? if they followed him, he would make them fishers of men.

d. What did Andrew hear Jesus call John the Baptist? the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world.

e. What did tax collectors do in Jesus’ time? the bid for the right to collect taxes, pay Rome and then keep the rest of their salary.

f. Tell me about the “company” Jesus “keeps”. Other people call them "scum", and dont understand why he hangs out with them.

g. List out Jesus’ “team” – according to Mark 3. Simon, James and John, Andrew, Philip, Bartholomew, Matthew, Thomas, James, Thaddaeus, Simon, Judas Iscariout.


a. How big is a mustard seed? 1mm in diameter

b. What is the Mishnah? a collection of ancient Jewish commentary

c. What are the smallest seeds on record so far? mustard seeds

d. How does God’s kingdom “start small” and “grow large”? He starts with just him and his disciples, and grows large into a christian movement spanning the world.

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