Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Luke Scriptue Assignment

Luke 2:11

for today- sēmeron
in the city- polis
of David there has been born- tiktō
for you a Savior- sōtēr
who- hos
is Christ- Christos
the Lord- kyrios.

Luke 2:36-37

And there was a prophetess- prophētis
Anna- Hanna
the daughter- thygatēr
of Phanuel- Phanouēl
of the tribe- phylē
of Asher- Asēr
She was advanced- probainō
in years- hēmera
and had lived- zaō
with her husband- anēr
seven- hepta
years- hēmera
after- apo
her marriage- parthenia

Luke 2:52

And- kai
Jesus- Iēsous
increased- prokoptō
in wisdom- sophia
and- kai
stature- hēlikia
and- kai
in favour- charis
with- para
God- theos
and- kai
man- anthrōpos

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