Monday, November 2, 2009

1 Thessalonians Book Assignment

1) Read pp 430-431, answer following questions:
What convinced Paul to go to Greece?a nightime vision
What does Acts 16:9 say? Come over to Messadonia and help us.
Where was the first European church planted? Philippi
What's the Egnatian Way? Where does it bring him? A port town of Thessalonica; a roman road
How many miles does he WALK? 90
Where is Paul when he gets a report on the church in Thessalonica? Berea
What are the "three main questions" of the church? What should they do about the persecution their facing? How should Christians behave? When is Jesus coming? What happens to christians who die before then?

2) Read page 432, answer following questions:
How many people lived in Thessalonica? 100,000
How was Thessalonica a "free city"? Rome granted special priveleges
Who was Cassander? a former general of alexander the great
When did Romans capture the city? 167 B.C.
What's "Thessaloniki"? Greece's second largest city

3) Read page 434 "How Holy Is Enough", answer following questions:
What does 1 Thess 4:3 say? God's will is for you to be holy.
What does 1 Thess 5:23-24 say? Now may the god of peace make you holy in every way, and may your holy spirit and soul and body be kept blameless until lord jesus christ comes again, god will make this happen for he who calls you is faithful.
What does Matt. 5:48 say? you are too perfect, even as your father in heaven is perfect.
What is holiness? Reaching a point of spiritual maturity, a goal, a description of our one of a kind God.

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