Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Titus and Philemon Blog Test


Who wrote it? Paul
When was it written? 63 AD
Who is Titus? He was left in charge of the church
Where is Titus at? Crete
What is Paul’s Main Point? Promote the kind of living that reflects wholesome teaching. Titus 1:12-13 Even one of thier own men, a prophet from Crete has said about them, "The people of Crete are all liars, cruel animals, and lazy gluttons. This is true. So reprimand them sternly.


Who wrote it? Paul
When was it written? circa 60 AD
Who is Philemon? he is a christian slave owner; church leader in 1st century AD
Who is Onesimus? He is a runaway slave
What does Paul say to Philemon? He told him to go back to his master.

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