Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Titus and Philemon Book Assignment

Read "How To Pastor A Congregation of Scum" on page 451. Answer questions and post to blog:
1) What's the "one liner" in Paul's letter? The people of Crete are all liars, cruel animals, and lazy gluttons.
2) Who is Paul quoting? a Crete writer
3) What is Titus' job in Crete? organize churches
4) The Island People are descended from? Corinth
5) Though Cretans are spiritually sick,there just the kind of people Jesus needs most.

Read "Tough Love" on page 452. Answer questions and post to blog:
1) What does Titus 1:12-13 say? Even one of their own men, a prohphet from Crete has said about them the people of Crete are all liars, cruel animals, and lazy gluttons. This is true so reprimand them sternly.
2) What's Titus on the island of Crete to do? Completes the work there and appoints elders for each town.
3) What's at the top of Titus' "To-Do" list? Find pastors for each church
4) Who's Minos? A legendary ruler
5) What destroyed the ancient Minoan civilization? A tidal wave
6) What happened in 67 BC? the Romans conquered the island of Crete
7) Cretan pastors should? be faithful to their wives, have well behaved children not be arogant or quick tempered, not be heavy drinkers, violent, or dishonest, enjoy having guests in their homes, and be able to teach others about christian lifestyle.
8)What does Titus 1:11 say? Who's Paul referring to? because they are turning whole families away from the truth by their false teaching, they must be silent. He is refering to people who brag about their Jewish pedigree.
9) What does Titus 3:10 say? Who's Paul referring to? Give a first and second warning, after that have nothing more to do with them. Jewish christians in Crete.

Read "Crete Critics" page 455. Answer questions and post to blog:
1) Who was Epimenides? What'd he say? he is a cretian prophet, " the people of Crete are all liars, evil brutes, and lazy gluttons.
2) What does "Kretizo" refer to? An ancient verb form of Cretan, means "why"
3) Who was "Callimachus"? What'd he say? He was a Cretan poet, he said Cretan's are always liars. A tomb, oh lord, cretans built for you, but you didnt die. you are forever.
4) Who was "Plutarch"? What'd he say? a Greek historian, all of his soldiers abandon him except for the Cretans, who followed him not out of good will, but because they devoted to his riches as bees to their honey combs.
5) Each person in your group should read the book of Titus and post a 2-paragraph summary about the book. Include 1 scripture from the book. Your thoughts about Titus? Your thoughts about Titus? your thoughts about Crete?

Lauryn: Paul wrote the Book of Titus to his friend, called Titus. Titus was working on an island called Crete. There were many churches on Crete, but these churches did not have leaders. So, Paul told Titus to appoint a leader for the church in each town. But Titus must choose the leaders carefully. Each leader must be a good man, who is kind, holy and honest. And the leaders must teach God's message accurately.
This was an important task. Some people were trying to convince the Christians to obey their traditions. These people pretended to know God. But their actions proved that they denied God. Paul advised Titus not to argue with people who taught the wrong things. He told Titus to warn them on two occasions only. Then, Titus should leave that person.

Mikki: Titus is Paul's letter to Titus. Paul was appointing leaders for Titus to lead in the church. He also gave Titus rules and regulations about the church and the people in it. I think that Titus is a very respectable person. Paul is trusting Titus and believing in him to do what he needs to do in the church.

Read "A Favor From a Christian Slave Owner" page 456. Answer questions and post to blog:
1) Who's Philemon? He was a slave owner
2) Who's Onesimus? A runaway slave
3) How does Paul fit into the mix? He writes Philemon a letter. He told Philemon to accept Onesimus in.
4) Each person in your group should read the book of Philemon and post a 2-paragraph summary about the book. Include 1 scripture from the book. Your thoughts on Onesimus, Philemon, and Paul?

Lauryn: Paul wrote some encouraging words to Philemon. Then, Paul appealed to Philemon on behalf of Philemon's slave. The slave was called Onesimus. Onesimus had escaped from Philemon. Later, Onesimus became a Christian. He helped Paul. But Philemon still owned Onesimus, because Onesimus was a slave. Paul decided to return Onesimus to Philemon. Paul asked Philemon to accept Onesimus as his Christian brother, instead of a slave. I think that Onesimus is very brave for coming back and continuing as a slave. And Philemon is good for taking him in as a brother, rather than a slave. Philemon 1:5, "Hearing of thy love and faith, which thou hast toward the Lord Jesus, and toward all saints;"

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